By Davina C.

As the Christmas period 'silly' season is upon us and our body has a rush of rich foods, high alcohol consumption, lack of sleep and no doubt an out of sync routine, it's a time that a lot of us experience stomach bloating. Stats show that 30% of the population complain of suffering from bloating and stomach unease at this time.

The main reason Christmas is such a trigger time is due to 'overconsumption' - in particular a diet high in sugar and fat. According to research into gastroentorology, excess fat slows the gut mobility, as well as that the influx of sugar doesn't help: excess sugars ferment in the gut, this is not dissimilar to the fermentation process of champagne, in which sugars are added to grape juice to cause bubbles. Slow gut function with excess fermentation contributes to bloating.

Inhouse nutrition expert, Ella Owen, offers some daily lifestyle tips and gut friendly foods to ease bloating discomfort:

Water & fluids – optimal hydration is essential for good gut health. Consider warm/hot water with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning to support your digestive processes. And try and switch up your evening tipple at Christmas for herbal tea - peppermint in particular has relaxant and antispasmodic properties, which can help bloating.

Movement & exercise –Incorporate some movement every day, walking at least 20 minutes a day will keep your lymphatic system moving. Don't miss that Christmas day walk! Consider yoga poses too to boost better digestion.

Chewing - Chewing is one of the most important stages of digesting food. If food is not digested efficiently, gas and bloating can occur due to unwanted fermentation in the gut. If you know you are wolfing down your food, a good tip is to place your knife and fork back on your plate between each mouthful to prevent rushing. Warm, nourishing foods are important this time of year, however overeating heavy and rich foods can put a burden on the digestive system. Bitter herbs as well as ginger, cardamon and fennel seed are traditionally used to support digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and bile.

Nature's Answer Bitters & Ginger

This unique blend of herbs chosen for their ability to aid digestion and may be used before meals as a digestive aid or after meals with symptoms of gas or bloating.  

Shop it: Nature's Answer Bitters & Ginger

Organic Traditions Ginger Extract

Research studies have looked into the digestion-enhancing properties of ginger as well as its effects on intestinal motility. This concentrated, potent and pure, Full Spectrum Powder is easy to use added to warming drinks or herbal teas.

Shop it: Organic Traditions Ginger Extract


Garden of Life Microbiome Formulas

The gut microbiome can become deranged as a result of many factors including stress, antibiotic use, and modern diets high in sugars and processed foods. Those with common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as bloating may benefit from repopulating their gut-flora with friendly strains from microbiome formulas. Garden of Life microbiome formulas are formulated by Dr David Perlmutter, expert in the human microbiome and board certified neurologist - this range contains 50 billion live friendly cultures.

Shop it: Garden of Life Microbiome Formulas

The claims are based on clinical research, are not aimed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Food supplements should be used within the framework of a healthy lifestyle and not used as substitutes of a varied and balanced diet.